Terry is back !!
It had been 2 years since Terry step foot in Ipoh, the last time when he was back we had a small gathering at his place where we had a "chee cheong fun" feast.
This year's gathering was at 2+1 Steamboat Restaurant ( something similiar to Talipon Restaurant in KL) as I was told that the Terry never had such steamboat before.
If Dylan Ong is reading this, I had a lot of beef that night !
Should had bought AnSheng along, since he like beef so much.

In case you are wondering who is Terry, let me introduce everyone.
Please read from LEFT to RIGHT.
Standing: Terry, Jeng Sian, Chee Hong, Rok Seng, Kian Teck
Seated: Michael, Tiong Lian

The dessert of the day. Creasted by Terry, Jeng Sian and me.
"Buttered Ice Cream".
Never heard of such ice cream?
The recipe:
5 scoops of different coloured/flavored ice cream + 1 scoop of butter.
Skills required:
Able to scoop ice creams in perfect ball shape.
Ladies and gentlemen .... the one and only... "Buttered Ice Cream".

Everyone seems to be enjoying the Buttered Ice Creams.

Lastly before we call the day, we had our yum cha session at Yeolde English.

Wonder when is the next time we would meet.