Teacher : E > F
.....bla bla........
.....bla bla...
..... bla bla....
Teacher : By using this equation C+D = 10,
Teacher : Lets say C = 2, D = 3
Teacher : C+D = 5, so not equal to 10, then we modified the equation to C+D+E = 10,
Teacher : Then
assume E = 2
Teacher : C+D+E = 7, still not equal to 10
Teacher : To get the answer as 10,
Teacher : C+D+E+F = 10, we can
find F = 3
Teacher : Thus we solve the question by assume E = 2, and we will be able to find F = 3
***Stupid !! Can just assume E = 5 then end of story. Or better still, find the value of E !!! No need to use F also***Student : But it does not satisfied E>F
Teacher : Who said so? E > F !!
Student : 2 > 3 ????
Teacher : Aiyah, just assume all negative la
Teacher : C+D+E+F = -10,
Teacher : C = -2, D = -3, E = -2, F = -3,
Teacher : -2 > -3.
Teacher : E>F !! Correct or not?
Student : ...............