This is my first time participating in this event, well actually I just knew about it few months ago. Did not know what to expect from it and what to do when I registered myself as a volunteer helper for the event.
I arrived at the stadium at 7am, I was told that I was to lead a group for the coming 30hours. About 90% of the group leaders were given two days of training, and they know what to do and expect from the group members. For me, I was only given a 30 minutes, super crash course of the training.
Since I was told that the it was a bilingual [English + Mandarin] event, I was hoping that I was to be leading a English group. But there were no more vacancy in the English groups, I was to lead a mandarin speaking group. Since I am able to speak a little bit of mandarin, I accepted the position, that is not the toughest part. The toughest part came in, when I realized that the handouts are written in Chinese!!
LKY and CWM explained the handouts to me line by line. Thank you very much for your help. Since I do not have any handouts (English) to refer, I would have to memorize the explanations that I heard.
The participant arrived!! I was so anxious and hoped that no one will enter my group. While waiting for the participant, I realized that participant may choose which group they would like to enter. Luckily YPC, LSH, WSL participated in the event as well, I fished them to my group. But I was not allowed to have my own group of 3, I need to have 17 people before I can have my own group. Thanks to YPC who helped to gather the rest of the group members.
If you did participated in the camp, you might remember the activities that was held.
1) The importance of having clean water.
2) Shelter.
3) Balance diet.
Activity 1,
Participant will tie a wet string across their body connected to the participant beside him/her, then all 18 participant will move around and try to reach the string in the center. They will felt that the wet string crawling all around their back.
Having clean and unpolluted water is important, we are very lucky to have a clean water supply, there are many who depends on pond as their main source of water supply, even they know that the pond infested with guinea worms but they have no choice but to drink rather than to be dehydrated.
The guinea worm will remain in their body, and grow as time goes on. The worm will grow up to 3 feet long and then will try to make a hole near the feet of the victim. The victim will then need to consult a Dr (if he/she is lucky to meet one) to remove the worm out of their body.
Activity 2,
Participants were given 20 minutes to design and construct a house made of newspaper.
What if, there is a heavy rain or in a windy day and what will happen to their houses? Still standing strong?
Activity 3:
Participants were given two blank sheets of paper and were required to fill in what they would like to have for breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper on Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
After they filled in, random picture were selected from the envelope and stick on to the paper. It compare the food you desire and the food obtained by the less fortunate. Blank sheets means, NO FOOD. Some food ate by them are polluted, expired, left overs by others.
Certificates to group members.
Breaking the 30 hour Fast.
I apologize to my group members for lack of experience and preparation I had for this event. Last but not list, thank you LKY, CWM, YPC, LSH and WSL for your endless help during the entire event.