Yesterday or the day before?
Well he held the position since 2004.
4 years down the road and now only he instructed all government agencies to reduce frills when organising official functions to cut cost and prevent wastage.
He said
It is a moral thing. At a time when everybody is affected by price"
increases, government agencies should also take heed of the situation by not
organising events on a big scale because this might lead to wastage. Government
agencies should not hold events at five-star hotels, which is quite unnecessary
and very costly. It is suffice to conduct events in a moderate manner but
produce fruitful results. We should start saving money so that we can use the
excess to help the rakyat
And also Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi had said that
the mid-term review of the Ninth Malaysia Plan (9MP), would give
priority to projects that benefited the people
Since when the rakyat became so important to them? Aren't they suppose to be working to benefit the rakyat from day one rather than by just start to think of rakyat now. I am sure that this is not the first time events were held in luxuries places. So why remind them now? I should had been done long time ago, maybe I presume as soon as he was elected as the Second Finance Minister. Ok la, give him 1 year to adapt to the ministry. At least he should had voiced it out since 2005.
Anyway FYI the 9MP was announced on 31 March 2006.
Giving prioroty to projects that benefited people???So when the projects started it was not benefiting people I guess. Who was it benefiting then? So was the rakyat in the 9MP from the beginning? Or was they left out in the discussion and suddenly they realised that rakyat was not in the 9MP. Strange ya suddenly every MP cares about rakyat.