Fifty pennants adorned a two-kilometre stretch of road leading to SMK Tun Sardon Rengit here, congratulating the 18-year-old, for doing her family and school proud by scoring 19As in last year’s examination. Rengit state assemblyman Ayub Jamil said the state government had spent RM3,000 on the pennants.
What is the purpose of the pennant? It is a waste of government money... Might as well just give it to the people there rather than those pennants.
Wondering what 19 subjects she took?
- Ekonomi Asas,
- Tasawwur Islam,
- Pendidikan al-Quran dan As-Sunnah,
- Pendidikan Syariah Islamiah,
- Science,
- Geography,
- Business and Literature.
- Bahasa Melayu,
- English,
- Mathematics,
- Additional Maths,
- Physics,
- Chemistry,
- Biology,
- History,
- Islam,
- English for Science and Technology (EST),
- Accounts.
Well, I only counted 18, the other one I have no idea where it came from?
1119? Or the " Business and Literature " is calculated as two subjects.
I think she don't need to further her studies anymore since she already know everything.
Have a click on the link below.
Too bad she only obtained 18A's.
quote "I think she don't need to further her studies anymore since she already know everything." quote
haha.. yupe.. agree on tat.. wondering how she did tat?! but, she must be in dillema coz she know everything and duno wat she is master with...
she can be anything she wants.
no question will be ask.
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