Thursday, April 26, 2007

Women's town

The 2.3-square-km Longshuihu village in the Shuangqiao district of Chongqing municipality, also known as "women's town," was based on the local traditional concept of "women rule and men obey".

Traditional women dominate and men have to be obedient in the areas of Sichuan province and Chongqing, and now they are using it as an idea to attract tourists and boost tourism.

When tour groups enter the town, female tourists would play the dominant role when shopping or choosing a place to stay, and a disobedient man would be punished by "kneeling on an uneven board" or washing dishes in restaurant.


Beneath40 said...

And i'm soooo there!

MJ said...

Yeay!!! But poor guys, being abused like that. It's still injustice.
